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Kournas Lake: The only natural freshwater lake in Crete
Located 5 km to 7 km from Anemos Resort, Mythos Palace, Eliros Mare, and Pepper Sea Club hotels. The legend says that it was created when a beautiful daughter wanted to escape the erotic appetites of her father. So sank the ground and created the lake. Local belief also reports that the lake is “bottomless”, i.e. without bottom, which is why in its waters are formed blue successive cycles.
What is certain is that the lake is mentioned since ancient times by the name Korisia and is believed that on the banks there was the sacred temple of Korisia Athena.
The deepest point reaches 22 meters and in its waters are rare live fish, reptiles and snakes and a rare two-color kind of turtle. The lake is a stop for migratory birds and has been included in the Natura 2000 network as a Bird Protection Area.
Lake Kournas is a magical holiday destination, of naturalist and geological interest. It has developed in tourism, as on the banks are facilities with organized beaches for swimmers and paddle boats. It also has many taverns that are famous for their food and charming cafes with spectacular views.